Learn about all of the New Features in Office 365
You and a guest (or other individuals from your firm) are invited to a four-part Office 365 educational series that Aberdean is hosting with Nancy Kruschke from Successful Organizing Solutions.
We will be focusing on new features of Office 365 and providing more insight how to use Microsoft Teams, OneDrive and how to collaborate securely with people outside your organization.
Aberdean has provided customer training in the past, but this time we are bringing in someone who is a Certified Trainer. Nancy is a Certified Professional Organizer and a Microsoft Office Specialist. She has worked with companies of all sizes, as well as several Aberdean clients, for the past twenty years; providing 1:1 or group training on how to make better use of Microsoft Office.
What is unique about this event is that Nancy works with customers on the front-end of the technology, where Aberdean specializes in the back-end and security of these applications.
To learn more about the event and the topics of each session, please reference the attached brochure detailing the time and date and topic for each session. Each session is from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The dates and topics are noted below:
- November 13, 2019: What's New in Office 365 and Securing your Cloud Services
- December 10, 2019: Teams Collaboration
- January 15, 2020: Cloud Storage and File Sharing
- February 12, 2020: Online Meetings in Teams
To register, please visit the RSVP link located on our website at https://www.aberdean.com/events/ at select the topic and date(s) you plan to attend.
To learn more about Nancy please visit her website: https://sosorganize.net/
These sessions are being hosted in Room 50 of the MGE Innovation Center located at the University Research Park.
Lunch with Dessert will be provided.

Date and Time
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CST
University Research Park
510 Charmany Drive
Conference Room 50
Lower Level of the MGE Innovation Center
Madison, Wisconsin
Lunch and Door Prizes will be provided
Contact Information
Jim Blair
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