Maybe it’s because the Wisconsin summers are so short, that we enjoy them with all the more gusto. If those first fair days of spring (and the 100 or so that follow) make you long to get outside and light up the grill, then this tasting is for you!
Waterford Wine and Spirits will hand-pick refreshing wines to make your favorite burgers, steaks, ribs, chicken or fish even more scrumptious. They'll serve up the best picks for hot dogs and sausages, too! There’s something fresh for everyone at this seminar.
The most successful pairings make you want to take another sip, have another bite—and this wine tasting will give you actionable ideas for all your summer and early fall cookouts. They’ll also share the best wine-serving and grilling secrets at this tasting. It’s a good time to grill!
Tickets are $15 per person. Seating is limited. Click on the Link to reserve your spot!

Date and Time
Thursday Aug 1, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
Thursday, August 1st
Waterford Wine and Spirits
6227 McKee Rd, Suite A, Fitchburg, WI