When you dine in at any of the participating restaurants below, 10% of your bill goes directly back to supporting the work Dane Buy Local does on behalf of local businesses.
500+ Dane Buy Local Members locally owned businesses keep
our neighborhoods VITAL & our economy STRONG.
LOCAL BUSINESSES are able to recirculate money in the community over 3.5 X MORE than non-local companies.
This builds a STRONG LOCAL ECONOMY. OVER 500 DBL Member Businesses employ over 8,000 people FULL TIME, contribute over 145,000 Volunteer Hours, & DONATE OVER $5.2 MILLION to nonprofit organizations.
If we all spend $10/week at local businesses, we can significantly increase the value and economy in our community.
Confirmed Locations:
North and South Seafood - all 3 locations (excludes 3rd party delivery, catering, gift card and alcohol sales)
Date and Time
Thursday Aug 1, 2024