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Women's Place & Resource Center



About Us

The Women's Place and Resource Center - a nonprofit organization designed to assist women in the process of spiritual, personal, and professional development - is truly a dream in the making. I finished my Doctorate of Education from Edgewood College in May of 2015. When I walked across that stage as a single mom of three young kids, I realized what I had accomplished was nothing short of a miracle and blessing that needed to be shared. I was now a single mom with a BS in Nursing, MS in Nursing, MBA, and a Doctorate in Education.

I had been in nursing for over 17 years, with 13 years dedicated to education. I realized at that moment how very fortunate I was and how ''selfish'' it would be not to share with other women looking for and in need of guidance, encouragement, and compassionate assistance. Thus, I knew it was time to ''Jump''!

I decided to take that leap of faith and begin the journey of building the WPRC. I knew in my heart; so many women would benefit from my education, life, professional, personal, and spiritual journey. I worked hard, made sacrifices, and now have the 501(c)(3) status. Yes, a Public Charity.

One of my most pivotal moments was when I realized that it is always better to share. The knowledge gained is made better when you share it with others! That is the goal and purpose of the WPRC, helping women grow spiritually, personally, and professionally. After working actively as a nurse for over 16 years (patient care and teaching), my passion for others continues to grow; however, the population focus has shifted just a bit!!

Rep/Contact Info

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Dr. Taysheedra Allen
Founder / Executive Director

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