Assocation/Membership Organization
About Us
Since day one, the vision of The Registry, Inc. has been for Early Childhood Care and After-School Education workforce serving children birth-12 to be recognized as a profession, providing high-quality early learning and engaging in continuous professional growth.
The Registry, Inc. was established in 1991 to address the growing need for an agency to verify and recognize the achievements of Wisconsin’s Early Childhood Care and Afterschool Education workforce.
Today, The Registry, Inc. stays true to its original mission by continuing to honor the incredible impact the Early Childhood Care and After-School Education workforce has on our communities. We do this by overseeing the management of the Early Childhood Care and After-School Education workforce registries for the States of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. MiRegistry, Achieve – the Minnesota Center for Professional Development, and the Wisconsin Registry provide accurate documentation of members’ professional development journeys, in addition to collecting and publishing data that informs public policy and advocacy efforts.
The Registry, Inc. is only registry in the country to run operations for three states, The Registry Inc. and we envision a world where every educator is acknowledged and celebrated as a professional, integral to delivering high-quality education and fostering sustained professional growth.