24/7 365
Driving Directions:
Fish Hatchery to McKee right on Triverton Pike Drive
About Us
Hi there, I'm Erin! As a REALTOR®, I understand that buying or selling a home is one of the biggest decisions you can make in life. That's why I consider it a privilege to be a part of the process with my clients, and I treat them like family.
As a full-time real estate professional, I'm committed to making your experience as stress-free and enjoyable as possible. I achieve this through constant communication and accessibility, always being available to answer your questions and address any concerns.
As your trusted REALTOR®, I will be your advocate and work tirelessly to promote your best interests. Whether you're buying or selling, I'll help you achieve your goals. If you're selling, I'll work with you to get the fairest price in the least amount of time. If you're buying, I'll provide you with the best information and market data to ensure you're a well-equipped buyer in the strongest possible negotiating position. As an agent at First Weber, I have access to state-of-the-art technology, team collaboration, and superior marketing materials to ensure that every aspect of your transaction is handled with care and expertise.
I'm proud to say that the foundation of my success lies in my patient demeanor and strong work ethic. I know how to listen, and I'm generous in offering information when needed. Most importantly, I know when to stop talking and listen to my clients. My priority is understanding your needs and building a long-lasting relationship that will stand the test of time.

Rep/Contact Info

Erin Anderson
- Phone: (608) 216-4627
- Cell Phone: (608) 216-4627
- Send an Email
- 2985 Triverton Pike Drive Ste 200 Fitchburg WI 53711